Fundraiser Stages in My Fundraising Place
Opportunity: A specific time frame has been identified where you have a possibility to win a fundraiser with a group. You will be actively working a sales process to close the sale. My Fundraising Place will allow you to manage a potential book date (when the group will choose what fundraising solution they want to use) and you can estimate the amount of potential business that it will bring to your dealership.
Pending: A group has committed to running a fundraiser with your dealership (opportunity = won) – but you are working out the specific details (scheduling, etc.)
Booked: The fundraiser event is all booked and setup in My Fundraising Place. My Fundraising Place is all set to execute on the promises your dealership has made.
Running: The fundraiser “Start On” date is past, and the group should be running the sale & is waiting for an order to be turned in.
Ordered: An order has been received against this fundraiser.
Delivered: All invoices associated with the fundraiser have been delivered
Paid: All invoices associated with the fundraiser have been marked as paid