1. Verify your touchpoint email credentials are correct
- Log in to frpilot.net
- Go to Settings > Users > Select a user > Security tab
- Verify the Email Credentials for User’s Touchpoints are correct
- Click Save
- Repeat for each user
2. Set up email notifications
- Go to Settings > Dealer > Email Notifications tab
- Choose who should receive fundraiser signup notifications
- Choose who should receive new contact notifications
- Click Save
3. Review signup instructions
- Go to Settings > Dealer > MyFundraisingPlace.com Settings tab
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Review the instructions that the group leader will see when signing up for a fundraiser and make changes if necessary
- Click Save
4. Preview your signup page
- Go to Sales > Groups > Select a group > Fundraisers tab
- Click link icon and generate link
3. Click the link to preview the page that your customers will see