Tips & Tricks in My Fundraising Place
- Global Search Button
- Invoices to be Reprinted Check (Smart List)
- Multiple Selects in My Fundraising Place
Global Search Button:
- Location of Global Search button
- Global Search screen
- Global Advanced Search screen (Select options and click OK)
Invoices to be Reprinted Check (Smart List):
- Creating Invoices to be Reprinted Check Smart List
- Invoices that need to be reprinted will have an * at the beginning of the name
- Invoices that need to be reprinted will have an * at the beginning of the name
- Opening Invoices Screen:
- After using Invoices to be Reprinted Smart List:
Multiple Selects in My Fundraising Place:
- Multiple items in My Fundraising Place to make processing more efficient and quick:
- Contacts (Sales > Contacts):
- Delete selected items
- Mark to Inactive selected items
- Add to Marketing List selected items
- Groups (Sales > Groups):
- Delete selected items
- Mark to Inactive selected items
- Add to Marketing List selected items
- Fundraisers (Sales > Fundraisers):
- Delete selected items
- Delete selected items
- Invoices (Sales > Invoices):
- Delete selected items
- Print selected items
- Set as Ordered/Staged/Delivered – selected items
- Activities (Sales > Activities):
- Delete selected items
- Close selected items
- Contacts (Sales > Contacts):