Order Changes
- Typical Order Process
- Possible Order Change Errors
- Order Change Scenarios
- My Fundraising Place Tools to catch possible errors
- Tips/Takeaways
Typical Order Process
- Print out orders
- Paperwork and Label Queue (Orders to Pack or Stage)
- Perform work of Staging orders
- Paperwork and Label Queue (Staged Orders ready for delivery)
- Delivery
Possible Order Change Errors
- Invoicing
- Need for second invoice – first submitted for payment
- Pay the old revision – collections headache
- Hard to collect mistake – giving it away
- Product Delivery
- Missing product at delivery
- No seller product – late order not prepacked
- Restaging an order – headaches (PT help/inventory)
- Wrong paperwork for operations
Order Change Scenarios
- Not Printed Yet
- No worries, user will continue to make changes
- Printed, not Staged
- To Do Box – hanging folders for each day
- If changes, replace paperwork
- Staged
- Staged Box – hanging folders for each day
- Done – paperwork is lying down
- Changes – paperwork is standing up
- Delivered
- Do an add-on invoice
My Fundraising Place Tools to catch possible order change errors
- My Fundraising Place Locking
- Group Leader can make unlimited changes to their order and submit until labels or invoice is printed
- Once printed, My Fundraising Place is locked at that point and you are made aware of any changes after that. You then must unlock or enter the order yourself
- Group Leader can make unlimited changes to their order and submit until labels or invoice is printed
- Printing Label’s Error Messages:
- Seller Info and Invoice Total Mismatch
- Seller Info quantity and invoice quantity don’t match
- Seller Info quantity and invoice quantity don’t match
- Seller Info and Invoice Total Mismatch
- Label Reprints Tile (Dashboard)
- Invoices to Reprint (Smart List)
- Print labels later (minimize changes)
- Prepack Labor – run smart lists for units to plan ahead
- Print invoices later (minimize multiple versions and invoices)
- Follow through right away as changes happen
- Do day of delivery checks in My Fundraising Place (My Fundraising Place Tools mentioned above)
- Inventory will stay spot on if your invoices reflect all product (Do monthly adjustments also)
- Mark multiple invoices to Stage at once on the Invoice Grid
- Order changes offer you a competitive advantage. It adds value for your customers and the opportunity to outshine your competitors.