How to track selling product to another dealer
Create an invoice in My Fundraising Place with a group that has a name of the dealership you are selling to, but do NOT tie the invoice to a fundraiser:
- As the invoice is created, adjust the price for what you expect to receive for the product
- You will end up with approximately zero $$ of gross margin for this sale, and as long as it is a small percentage of your overall sales, your financial statements will be an accurate representation of your core business activity.
- Since the invoice won’t be tied to a fundraiser, it won’t affect your statistics on the home page or in analytics
- The invoice can sync over to QB and you can receive payment like you would for any other sale
- Inventory is deducted accurately & a delivery activity can be scheduled from the invoice
- Record the lot numbers in the notes of the invoice
- This keeps traceability in place if the FDA ever asks for a dealership to account for all product that you transferred on
- Technically you are selling to another dealer as a distributor, in which case the FDA requires you to track lot numbers when you don’t sell to an end customer or retail outlet